Nope, not “America by Trump.” Just America, Idiot.

First they came for the liberals, and because I was not a liberal, I pointed and said, “They’re  in there…”

Do these assholes (below) know he’s not president yet?

See, this is what people wanting a demand to go with “Not My President” are concerned about. This insipid, partisan whitewashing of capitalism generally, and the fascism we’re contending with now specifically. Is it not clear that what these shitheads call fascism, is when the hells capitalism routinely visits upon swarthy foreigners and low-status individuals in the core, are visited upon them?

In related news, Noam “Why aren’t I dead yet?” Chomsky has called the Republicans “the most dangerous organization in world history” claiming that they are without “historical precedent.”  h/t gbelljnr



“Proof positive” LOL. This dude is a professor. It’s official: These people don’t know anything they can’t learn from peering deeply into their own asses or smelling each others farts.


Professor Jackass is just adorable. Via nosoyyo, Alternet reported that poor, persecuted Allred had also tweeted:

If I see any Trump bumperstickers on the road today, my brakes will go out and I’ll run you off the road.

Fuck this asshole.

The comments over at Alternet are hilarious with their free speech hyperventilating and comparisons to Russia. Of course, as we all know,  this is about principle, not politics! And liberals would surely huff and puff just as loudly if Professor Asshole were a right-winger making the same exact kind of  threats.  Moral consistency is the hallmark of liberalism after all.


Free speech in President-elect Trump’s America continued:

Rutgers Professor Who Tweeted About White Gun Deaths Placed On Leave.

Who knew that Rutgers’ administration was full of latent nazis just waiting for their day to arrive?

Alternative theory: Because this histrionic, self-promoting  jackass used “when” where he shoulda used “if” in what is otherwise the usual hackneyed anti-racist Twitter posturing, Rutgers took a student’s complaint and erred on the side of not being sued for millions by grieving families.  But Professor Jackass is too entitled and genuinely stupid to realize that, considering he threatened mass murder on Twitter, his little trip to Bellevue was white privilege on parade, not persecution. So he shot his mouth off about fascism and free speech. Now he’s being disciplined at full pay — more privilege — in the hope that he’ll finally stop making a complete ass of himself.

But no, surely a more credible theory is that this incredibly unique and powerfully incisive tweet spoke waaaay too much truth to fascist power for Trump’s America.  The dude teaches a course in Beyonce, after all. Gotta be on some alt-right enemies list, somewhere.



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76 Responses to Nope, not “America by Trump.” Just America, Idiot.

  1. gbelljnr says:

    In other whitewashing news, Noam Chomsky has an interview out in which he calls the Republican Party, “the most dangerous organization in world history,” because it is “dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life.” He says “[t]here is no historical precedent for such a stand.”

    There has to be a word for this thing beyond whitewashing. Whitewashing is the side effect of it. The action itself is to take a part of something and to pretend that a quality that belongs to the whole belongs only to a part.

    • … there’s no historical precedent…. I….

      • roastyagain says:

        I mean what the fucking fuck. My assumption is good old Gnome is wrapping climate stuff into that statement? Which just goes to show how much of a partisan hack he is, since even the kindest reading of Dem action on the environment produces hot air rhetoric *at best*, and action that fully defies that anyway.

        Naziwashing. Fashwashing. IDK.

      • gbelljnr says:

        Yeah, he is talking about climate. Apparently the destruction of the environment by global industrial capitalism up until this point – probably sufficient to destroy most of the planet all on its own and without further input over the next hundred years, does not form a historical precedent.

    • No soy yo says:

      Yes, a word for denying that a Chomskian analysis should be applied uniformly.

      I’m also reminded about how after the election in 2008, during the transition, people thought that Obama was making such terrible appointments because he “didn’t know” about Rahm Emanuel’s history, was being tricked into thinking people were progressive when they weren’t, etc. So “the smartest guy in the room,” most politically savvy, etc., didn’t realize something that everyone on online chat boards did? And had such terrible advisors they didn’t tell him or read the newspapers? And now, 8 years later, everyone else in Liberlandia realizes that Trump is a Hitler (and that being a Hitler is new to US policies). But Obama, who cares about us, cares about Muslims and black people, etc., is the smartest president we’ve had in a long time, a genius, either doesn’t realize what everyone else notices, or else he is happily trying to make the transition to Hitler “smooth.” Trump seemed surprised that he needed to fill all the positions in the West Wing, and didn’t know much about the day-to-day operations. So Obama is going to spend extra time with Trump since he’s never been in government before. They are (uniquely) ” racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life,” and Obama is concerned about their competence? And, Liberlandia is concerned about poor Obama having to shake Trump’s hand.

    • robert says:

      you know how else trump is like hitler? *nothing* antecedent to their muon-like (or quark-like; whatev) eruption onto history’s horizon has any explanatory power for why they arose at the moment they did. it’s like a moment of punctuated equilibrium in political evolution (sigh. i’m not the 1st bright bulb to apply evolutionary theory to social change. nor the 1st to call bullshit on that.)

      if everything was so fucking peachy under capitalism, why is hitler jr. even a thing? mao/stalin/hitler/trump is why the world can’t have nice things. Britain, the US, etc. were doing such great stuff in China, when those mean ol’ japs had to come along and ruin it for no fucking reason. After eclipsing the rising sun, making it one more star in their orbit, the West was just about to set everything right in China & Mao had to come along & kick over their sandcastle.

      and so we get the capitalist’s fetish for an ahistorical, ontological understanding of “evil.” lard knows mama tried, but trump & co is just the bad seed. why else would all these hitlers & pol pots arise to try & torch Shangri-La?

      wiki says muons have no sub-structure. yeah, like many people’s brains.

  2. wendyedavis says:

    good gawd all-friday, as they say in these parts. allred’s twit account crows:

    ‘Writer, Speaker, Teacher / *Beyoncé Professor since 2010* / Podcast Host (Bey-Ond Pop Culture)’ clever: bey-ond, no? his pinned tweet is “i just want to get this #POLITICIZINGBEYONCÉ book published!!!!

    clearly he means that miss black panther 1% is taking some heat, and he aims to show how ‘intersectionally feminist’ her work is, yes? (and sells more records on accountta that). but if he wanted to teach a two-hour course on what a comprador grifter she is and ever shall be, not only selling herself to the ownership class, but teaching young uns that they should all aspire to be ‘like bill gates’, i’d think that would be worthy.

    but given that he hopes to have a creepy librul book for sale, might this be by way of a bit of self-promo as well? in his mind (and others apparently) the trump ‘fascism’ scare is oozing it’s way into the melted brains of all those campus and other po-po ahead of time. that he asked

    putin derangement syndrome makes way for trump derangement syndrome.

  3. robertmstahl says:

    Reblogged this on robertmstahl and commented:
    Coming in on this late?

  4. No soy yo says:

    A bit off-topic, except for the fucking idiots part, I’ve seen numerous people think this is a good tactic:

    • So Far Right says:

      Marcy Wheeler lays out why becoming a Muslim is a silly idea. Hint: There’s already a Muslim registry! Well, maybe more than one. I’m sure there’s smiling public one, and an all encompassing hidden one.

      On Solidarity in the Face of Muslim Registry Plans

      • No soy yo says:

        Also, again, I wouldn’t want these idiots in charge of protecting anyone:
        Genocide is coming! The Nazi fascists are going to create a (novel) Muslim Registry!! What fascists! Scary! They don’t like dissent either! Let’s turn that awful registry into a list of Muslims plus ‘dissenters’ (TM) against the registry! We’ll show them!

      • Tarzie says:

        They can only think in terms of gestures.

  5. robertmstahl says:

    Don’t lose site of Tarzie’s fascist observation(s) about NC, for another topic. Geez.

  6. robertmstahl says:

    …that part about “republicans” was it, ipso facto, “climate change” not so much!

  7. b-psycho says:

    If there’s a drone strike between now and the inauguration they’ll blame that on Trump too.

    • gbelljnr says:

      we could just backdate all of them right back to january 2009. fuck, operation cast lead was trump too.

    • No soy yo says:


      In that interview of Noam Chomsky, he talked about all the terrible news about the climate that came out on election day (terrible news caused by humans before Trump was even a nominee). I was thinking about the fact that election day was Tuesday, and over 100 people were gathered around having reasonable and learned and principled (led by a student of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas — how much more principled can you get?) discussions about who to add to the kill list.

  8. Amish Rake Fight says:

    First they came for the Native Americas, then they came for the Blacks, then they came for the Communists and Socialists, then they came for the Muslims, then they came for …, then they came for the Liberals – and at precisely that point,fascism arrived, according to the Liberals.

    I must say, the schadenfreude of watching Liberals freak out ever since the election has been amusing. So lost are they in their panic that they are getting sloppy – they are supposed to start noticing all of the nation’s horrors AFTER January 20th! I guess that’s what eight years of atrophy will do.

    • Tarzie says:

      I think it’s even worse than that, because I think most of them feel safe. I think their issue is they don’t want to see the oppression they’ve been acclimated to made more explicit. And part of its about aesthetics and snobbery. Trump has bad hair. His followers are a bunch o’ hicks.

      • Amish Rake Fight says:

        Agreed, especially regarding the snobbery. These observations they are making about bad shit happening are not motivated by the thought, “Damn, this is awful. What can be done to oppose/resist it and protect the victims?” They are more along the lines of, “Look at what you stupid hicks have done! Are you happy now?!” – consistent with them feeling safe.

      • Tarzie says:

        Good to see you, btw.

      • robert says:

        right. trump is just mouthing off shit that’s been going on a long time that libs were happy to look the other way about. if there’s anything more than that going on (oh yeah, donkeys & hrc lost. boo hoo), i can’t see it. return of the repressed much you fucking know it all know nothing self-congratulatory morons?

    • Tarzie says:

      Why has no one quoted the original tweet? Do you know what it is?

      UPDATE: I found it. Something along the lines of “Will the 2nd Amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting at random white people?” The usual hackneyed Twitter posturing over race, but apparently a student complained. NYPD took him to Bellvue at Rutgers police request. This is a non-story. It’s stupid that they went to such lengths but looks like hysteria over shootings rather than politics was the problem. The guy’s clearly a histrionic idiot and teaching a course called Politicizing Beyonce puts him way outside the sphere of my giving a fuck.

      • robert says:

        long day. “teaching a course called Politicizing Beyonce puts him way outside the sphere of my giving a fuck.” much needed laugh.

      • wendyedavis says:

        i yam slow but in the end i sometimes get it, even w/ my current lame brain configuration. i won’t darken your door again if i can remember not to.

      • Tarzie says:

        I don’t know why you shouldn’t darken my door, Wendy. Please rethink.

      • gbelljnr says:


        Why does nobody think of doing this!?

      • Tarzie says:

        You mean his stupid tweet? Robots would be more interesting than these people. They’re always signifying their club membership through tedious repetition.

      • gbelljnr says:

        I meant why does nobody think of looking at the tweet in question to ascertain if there is anything to it!?

        Nobody. Bothers.

        And look at it!

      • Tarzie says:

        Gotcha. Some of the write-ups and the tweeter himself characterized it as “anti-Trump” the gist being that this nitwit had stirred the nazi furies with his truly amazing tweet. But it’s about gun laws. I reckon the situation is exactly as university reps described. He made someone nervous and they erred on the side of caution rather than get sued down the road by grieving families. No doubt litigiousness breeds a lot of this shit. I reckon if he’d put an “if” where he has a “when” his little self-promoting crisis might never have happened.

      • No soy yo says:

        I think that in addition to the “when,” the issue was the “I.” The question wasn’t if, or even when, *someone* starts shooting white people, or the passive “when white people start getting shot,” it was when *I* start shooting.

      • Tarzie says:

        Yeah, you’re right. Psych evaluation seems absolutely reasonable, no?

      • poob says:

        Not only is an evaluation reasonable, but he got off easy because of his status. People get locked up and drug raped for far less, at least where I come from. You can get locked up without threatening violence against anyone or even yourself if you act weird enough. I suspect he may have even been trying to get exactly this reaction for publicity, knowing he would get let out immediately because of his status.

      • Tarzie says:

        That’s what I was thinking. His story is white privilege on parade.

      • poob says:

        True. Come to think of it, I can’t think of a better example white non-radical academic privilege. The liberal internet is bizzaro world.

  9. poob says:

    Noam “Why aren’t I dead yet?” Chomsky

    Lol. Priceless.

    How much for a post about all your favourite things that are on Netflix? I need a distraction from the twitter of madness.

  10. wendyedavis says:

    rethinking, yes. i was feeling snubbed on the thread, esp. since i’d had to poke into the heroic allred, then it took me a longer search to find the screen shot of the original tweet. a baker’s dozen of links did have facsimiles of his twitter verbiage, but in all of them, the hyperlinks went to some whingeing object lessons being taught tweets. i’d have to assume that screen-shot only may have meant that trump-terrified-beyoncé-boy had deleted it.

    background for leaving of course, was the wild rie you gave me on my poorly said comment on another thread. heh, after i’d linked to it at the café, one wag there had commented: “wd, you are shit!” ~ tarzie

    but in the end, i came back cuz i know you’ll eat this w/ a spoon: ‘AP big story ‘US says anti-Nazi resolution at UN restricts free speech’ (or: US crosses the rubicon… again)

    “The United States was one of three countries to vote against a U.N. resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism on Thursday, citing freedom of speech issues and concerns Russia was using it to carry out political attacks against its neighbors.

    The resolution entitled “Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” was approved by the U.N.’s human rights committee on Friday with 131 in favor, 3 against with 48 abstentions. Ukraine and Palau were the other no votes.”

    “We condemn without reservation all forms of religious and ethnic intolerance or hatred at home and around the world,” said Deputy U.S. Representative to the Economic and Social Council Stefanie Amadeo, explaining the U.S. vote.”

    now that’s most especially delicious for me as i’d just written up a new ukraine diary, as the nazi’s have been openly marching for some time now (svoboda, azov battalion, right sektor), former georgian saakasvilli was kinda forced to flee his mayoralty in odessa (the ukies had refused to extraite him to ukraine to stand trial for egregious crimes against opponents), poroshenko’s admin is stil so corrupt that even the imf just denied their next loan tranche, and nazis are in parliament, and a nazi (some say ‘neo-nazi) was just made a nazi (neo-nazi) chief of the national police. exquisite! stir in that yulia tymoshenko (banderist, iirc) is calling for a third maidan, so :…”citing freedom of speech issues and concerns Russia was using it to carry out political attacks against its neighbors” was too fun for words for me. wonder what sam power did to garner those abstentions…

    • Tarzie says:

      In the interest of letting sleeping dogs lie, I won’t offer a defense. Instead I’ll just say I prefer you stick around and try not to give you any cause to go in future.

      Yeah I was able to find articles with the tweet embedded myself, but the number that didn’t include it — all the ones I looked at originally — was striking considering. And I don’t think the crusaders taking up his cause on Twitter investigated either which as we know is standard practice for hyperventilating twitter crusaders.

      I must admit that, without seeing the tweet, I initially I took Allred’s word myself that he had been legit fucked with and only faulted him for the Trump nonsense. As for not finding the actual tweet, Allred says Twitter wouldn’t let him back on until he deleted it. More persecution in Trump’s America, natch. It can’t be that threatening mass murder is against their stated guidelines.

      That UN vote is crazy. I don’t think even I would have predicted that. It’s remarkable how free speech is more and more code for fascist speech. Who else’s speech rights are defended like this? i get that there’s new Cold War politics involved in the vote, but we know there’s also an agenda to keep fascism on par with actual discourse. In a way, it’s kinda laudably candid, considering our history.

      I’ve been meaning to bone up on Ukraine so thanks for the info and the nudge. What a clusterfuck. But none dare speak ill of Soros.

      • wendyedavis says:

        i didn’t mean that you had to defend yourself at all, as i realized later that i wasn’t seeing your larger complaint about street, and i’d meant to, but failed, to ask you to say more about what he’d said on the podcast, but no matter. i will say that in my brain’s current creepy configuration, i tend to focus on the stuff that pings my brain. for instance, this opening sentence:

        “The United States was one of three countries to vote against a U.N. resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism on Thursday, citing freedom of speech issues and concerns Russia was using it to carry out political attacks against its neighbors” …drove me crazy, as it was such a lie for one thing, and for another, the truth in plain sight: the Imperium loves nazis and tyrants and dictators when it’s convenient. if they are ‘inconvenient’, they can be toppled by NGOs, US puppet governments set up, and bob’s your uncle. almost all of them are funded by soros and other mega-bilionaires, including otpor, iirc.

        but on the flip side of a No vote on the resolution because: russia, is loretta lynch making a general to report post-trump election hate crimes, they will investigate, prosecute if necessary. now i dunno what the ‘300’ amount to, and i hate that it may be so. but on the flip side of *that*, hasn’t her DoJ only prosecuted a handful of assassinations by police?

        ah, well, i gotta scoot, but you’ll love the unintentional satire of this, lol: ‘Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, ‘take back power; Major liberal funders huddle behind closed doors with Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, and union bosses to lick wounds, retrench.’, politico their collective cluelessness is epic, esp. after reading the podesta wilileaks re: fuck labor!.

      • Tarzie says:

        Stop talking about Soros! What are you an anti-semite?

        the Imperium loves nazis and tyrants and dictators when it’s convenient. if they are ‘inconvenient’, they can be toppled by NGOs, US puppet governments set up, and bob’s your uncle. almost all of them are funded by soros and other mega-bilionaires, including otpor, iirc.

        Too terribly true. Fascism has had no better friend. It’s clearly necessary to the ruling class for obvious reasons. Unfortunately this is not common knowledge. So it’s only people like us and foreigners that bitterly guffaw when we see this clowning.

  11. Rich says:

    Reasonable to endorse pant-wetting dread and ensnare the profession of psychiatry in increasingly farcical prosecution of non-criminal behavior in this police state while intending to prevent the fear of lawsuits against universities from some future uncommitted crime???
    Using a psychiatric evaluation as a tool and substitute for the exclusive right to violence “enjoyed” by our government (local state and federal), most corporations, and all educational institutions is criminal, grotesque and inhumane. It is exactly this same overreaction and smearing that every government and corporate institution uses against any citizen and employee who disagrees with any individual wielding the power of the status quo.. The “exercise” of power allows observers to conclude any individual must be crazy to buck established authority.
    And Jesus H Christ do we really want to endorse the prosecution of pre-crime

    • Rich says:

      I used ‘any’ way too often.
      Prof. Wysong would be disappointed

    • Tarzie says:

      Talk about pant-wetting. “Pre-crime” Jesus Christ. It was a fucking psychiatric evaluation that almost undoubtedly could have been avoided if the asshole had made the same point without taking the voice of someone announcing a shooting spree. I reckon you come from the same pampered background the entitled professor does if you find this outrageous in 2016. Crimes against basic liberty are committed daily but nothing seems to get the upper middle class more riled up than some academic who gets in trouble for shooting off his stupid liberal mouth. We’ve been down this road before and I wasn’t sympathetic then, either. I’m sure you’d be just as upset if all things were equal but that the shithead talking in reckless terms about shooting people were a right-winger as opposed to this liberal idiot. That would be totally diff cause we know for sure that with the liberal it’s hypothetical because they have such good hearts.

      Inflammatory, violent speech has consequences and it always has. Much of it is even illegal.

      Lose the ridiculous hyperbole if you want to continue.

  12. Rich says:

    Pampered? Yeah sure. I stood as a senior commissioned officer against torture and the excesses of our nations military interventions from the confines of the U.S. Navy since 2002 and for that I was labeled a criminal, serial killer and therefore worthy of adverse psychiatric labeling, hospitalization and murder by “fragging”.
    My point was to show with excess hyperbole and an unwritten personal experience that a stance in support of the professors arrest and mandated psychiatric evaluation fails to jibe with the exceptional and noteworthy prose on this website. I failed miserably.
    Psychiatric evaluations under the color of the law are in no way innocuous. In fact, military medical commanders and the former DoD’s spokesperson on this topic, the ever execrable Colonel Elspeth Ritchie, declared a physician’s Hippocratic duty to their patient first and foremost was trumped by a new and higher ethical, moral duty to the defense of the nation in the Global War On Terror as defined by the 2004 AUMF.
    The professor should Try putting that history on his next resume or license application and see how well it goes.
    Your website remains both respected and popular with me and my sons.

    • Tarzie says:

      Sorry for jumping to conclusions about you and thanks for remaining civil.

      I’m with you on the weaponization of psychiatry. I just don’t think it’s a valid complaint in this case becauseI don’t think the political content of his speech was what aroused people. It’s that his intent was not at all clear. At face value, his tweet simply announces an upcoming shooting spree. I’m sure it would have disappeared into the ether if one, he had used different wording or two, a student hadn’t complained. The student might have been aiming to settle a score, either because of politics or something pettier, but once notified, I think the university is within its rights to do something, and a psych eval seems reasonable to me. I simply don’t believe this guy is being punished for his politics. I think his stupid wording got him in trouble.

  13. Rich says:

    Wait? lose the ridiculous hyperbole if I wish to continue? What the fuck?
    You supported the ridiculous hyperbole against the professor, an excess which police and Gov’t officials employ routinely to isolate dissent and disagreement and, in your words, so an educational institution flush with money can avoid a hypothetical future rash of lawsuits for uncommitted crimes.
    Yeah I’m outta here.

    • Tarzie says:

      You were accusing me of being soft on fascism.

      Let’s be constructive here. I’m wondering if you ever think it’s appropriate to take preventative action when someone threatens violence on a social network. What if someone says they’re going to go kill their girlfriend? Is it pre-crime to do anything at all? I mean, doesn’t social networking change the terrain a little bit, simply because people can reveal what their plans are and do? Would it ever be appropriate to take action against someone announcing a shooting spree? If so, can you give me an example of a tweet about a shooting spree that would have given the university cause to intervene? And also tell me what the appropriate intervention would be in such a case. I really am interested in your reply since you’re a hardliner with personal experience. I’m not generally inclined to get on the side of authority in cases like this, but I just don’t feel that repudiation is warranted based on the available info. I will admit that Allred represents a social type to which I am not ever sympathetic but I don’t think that’s affecting my judgment.

  14. Rich says:

    We’re on the same side.
    I’m sorry too for being reactionary
    I’ll go cool off at the gym.

    • Tarzie says:

      You should know by now that a thick skin is kinda necessary around here.

      • Rich says:

        Because the university with its rights is hardly open to censure and review by any individual accused???
        And that position doesn’t even touch upon the question of how and where the individual who put the apparatus in action against the professor got the power to do so, you know, to blow it all “outta” proportion.

      • Tarzie says:

        Oh but the state is accountable. That’s funny. Also I don’t get your point. It was the NYPD that shepherded him to the psych evaluation. They could have declined. So this was a state action.

        Could you answer my questions about inflammatory tweets on social media? You seem to think that your assessment of the tweet as obviously harmless is something I should share. I’ve made clear that I do not. If it’s obviously harmless, what gives it away as such? That a professor wrote it? The fact that it resembles a template for stupid, anti-racist posturing that *is* harmless?

        Apparently the tweet corresponded to remarks he was also making in class. We have no idea what kind of language he used in class, or what his demeanor was. If he used the same “when I buy a gun” language he used in the tweet, the case is even stronger for intervention. His subsequent actions don’t do him any credit, that’s for sure.

        I would like you to address the tweet itself and what’s appropriate when someone is, or seems like they might be, threatening violence on social media. As things stand now, for you to be at all consistent, your position must be that tweets can never elicit a preventative response. Or your position is that a psychiatric evaluation is the wrong response. In which case, I’d like to know what you consider an appropriate response.

        I’ve asked twice now.

  15. wendyedavis says:

    no more reply space available up yonder, but i ♥ed ‘What are you an anti-semite?’ when i’d seen that part by way of email, i’d thunk jivin’ w/ ‘yes! see me in the chorus singin’ ‘tomorrow belongs to me’?

    but more srsly, when a fellah at the café said he was quitting fdl, and i ‘d asked close to ‘why? over issues of zionism?’ he’d called me anti-semitic, and left. how does one try to answer that charge? much in the same way when twice at FDL’s ghetto readers diaries, i’d taken note of the anniversary of the allied fire-bombing of dresden war crime against humanity, i’d been accused as a holocaust-denier. the shouts and screams were startling. i tried to remind the reflexive tools of the empire that kutr vonnegut had written an entire book about it, and he’d been a fucking prisoner held underground during it all. so…if i may, and bless his heart? can we hear from billy pilgrim? iirc, two hot links trip you moderation thingie, so a separate commnet in a minute.

    • wendyedavis says:

      oh, bother and tiddly-pom; i blew it again. kill the second vid if you would please. but billy pilgrim’s ‘war in reverse’ still knocks me out.

    • wendyedavis says:

      oh good grief; could you jettison both videos and the duplicate post within? i wrote it on a word doc and seriously blew my copy/paste. my apologies. if you want, you can eradicate vonnegut’s billy pilgrim, as well. as i’dd noted, i do tend to get fixated on things.

      one fun thing: on one of the #maidan tweets someone had a list of the top nation’s contributions to the clinton foundation. the tweeter was soooo proud that…ukraine was No. 1!

      • Tarzie says:

        I like the videos.

      • wendyedavis says:

        good-o, then; thanks for deleting the double post. you may like this post by renee parsons. very softly she delivers her punches at double standards hypocrisy in: ‘Mainstream Media, Kellyanne Conway and Soros’

        long ago she was on the durango city council, a college town 30 miles east of here. she was a force of nature, and walked her peace and justice talk mightily.

      • Tarzie says:

        Tsk tsk. More anti-semitism.

        I never saw this conway person. I only saw attacks on her. They were very sexist. She’s treated like a “bimbo”.

        I like Parsons fair approach. Like she’s an adult or something.

  16. wendyedavis says:

    more anti-semitic-master-of-the-universe envy, a condition not to be altogether confused with penis envy. i’d never seen her, nor known her job for trump, but then i stayed away from the circus totally…until wikileaks published the podesta emails. i relished the banality of evil they represented, as in: ‘ ♫ schadenfreude, i’ll never leave ya! ♫♪’

    but yes, a sober and fair essayist who sees through the bullshit. “Like she’s an adult or something.”. (smile) but her narrating a bit of conway’s time on ‘the view’: deplorable behavior! fuck their double standards.

  17. No soy yo says:

    Apparently one of his other Tweets was,
    “If I see any Trump bumperstickers on the road today, my brakes will go out and I’ll run you off the road.”

    Found that after stillroasty pointed out another hideous article by Janet Allon that said that last week was “one of the longest weeks in human history.”

    Fuck You Liberals, You Arrogant Assholes

    • Tarzie says:

      Professor Jackass is just charming, isn’t he?

      I love how misleading his media advocates are. He is not posing “hypotheticals” per alternet. He’s fucking threatening people. Hang this fucker out to dry.

      • No soy yo says:

        Yeah he’s an ass all around. Even if you assume he didn’t mean he was actually going to commit violence, he tweeted idiotic things, then mischaracterized the tweets, then blamed it all on Trump.

        I’ve also seen people on Twitter comment about the militarized response to DAPL and say something like, “we can expect this kind of reaction from now on.” Yes, we can, since that’s always been the reaction. This Trump is a New Kind of Dangerous (TM) has to creep into every conversation these idiots have. And because it’s so stupid and uninformed I think that even the Trump protests are going to continue to be pointless and aimed in the wrong direction even when there’s actual policy to protest.

        I already see that a lot of it seems to be directed at Trump followers/voters. I just don’t see how that is attacking power in any significant way. Even focusing on his true Neo-Nazi followers seems a bit misdirected (though of course interrupting a neo-Nazi meeting should always happen, just not necessarily as part of protests against Trump)

      • Tarzie says:

        Even focusing on his true Neo-Nazi followers seems a bit misdirected

        Yes! I was just thinking this. Saw some idiot on Twitter today going on about hatred of women’s bodies and latent homosexuality as impetus for fascism. That’s real helpful in 2016. Does anyone want to destroy the ruling class and end capitalism??? We’re fucking doomed and I care less and less. Human beings are a lethal virus.

      • No soy yo says:

        “Does anyone want to destroy the ruling class and end capitalism???”

        Not many. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle. They still think reform will work. (Or want to pretend it will, since there’s actually a deep cynicism and despair about our chances according to some surveys, but I think people try to brush it off). And the people who do want to destroy the ruling class, etc., mostly don’t really know anything about how to go about destroying or ending anything. So then there’s really nothing to tap into, other than a campaign here or there, but it’s not a movement, and even the leader at Standing Rock, for example, said they’d all be happy if the pipeline were moved. Which is of course what happens when there’s a campaign that isn’t really part of something bigger — despite the support they’re getting from all over,

        So, yes, we’re doomed. Sometimes I care a lot, sometimes I care not- so-much. I had taken comfort in the fact that at least the evil of the evil, powerful elite of elite would all go down, too, but now I’m thinking that was naive. They know what’s coming, and will all have their secret (and not-so-secret) bunkers, and waiting out the nuclear winter (from when over 400 nuclear reactors melt down — I’m not talking about nuclear war which is of course also always a possibility) for X years while 7 billion die (and trillions of other animals and all plants etc) will be no big deal to them. And the bunkers won’t be near oceans or flooding rivers, etc., so they may withstand the climate. So, even when I don’t care as much that we lost, I do care about the 99% of species we’re taking down with us, and I care a lot that those that are most responsible may be left standing.

        (Yes, you guessed it, I’m the life of every party …)

      • Tarzie says:

        But it’s not all reformists that are doing all the antfucking. The dipshit going on about fascism and women’s bodies is a radical. Everyone is like a little kid. They have their little politics and everything but on a day to day basis they just jerk off to whatever misery porn is handy. And they fixate. it’s fucking obnoxious. Growing up is something people don’t do anymore I guess.

      • No soy yo says:

        I do think that if they had a place to channel their radicalness, then at least some of them wouldn’t fixate on such stupid things. But now we have groups of people fixating on idiotic things.

        Also, there are different ideas of “radical.” People will say they’re radical, but really they want to be intellectuals and have these pseudo-intellectual conversations about meaningless things.

        I know that I used to think of myself as radical because I did attack power, but my concept of the changes we were going to bring wasn’t radical in the end. And of course we did our part every two or four years of sheep dogging into the Democratic fold (or later into the Working Families fold which was a way to feel like we were making such radical progress as those D’s got elected).

        But there’s really not much of an alternative out there.

  18. wendyedavis says:

    @ no soy yo: i was bothered by dave archambault’s ‘move it elsewhere’, myself. part of the oceti sakowin credo had been “we’re doing this for all water everywhere”, or close. now i know it’s easy for me to criticize him while sitting snug indoors, not putting my body on the line. my sense is that from what ladonna brave bull allard said to a TYT reporter jordan chariton about her daughter’s harrassment arrest, and being left naked in a cell all night, and far more, she doesn’t hold that position. she might think: ‘ach, he’s a male, what does he know? that’s why the grandmothers are at the front of this ‘last stand’.”

    tarzie, feel free to just hyperlink to this; i just noticed i’d already embedded two other videos. but ladonna is a force of nature. she made me weep.

    but also, no soy yo, i storified the hideous attack on the protectors on bridge two nights ago, and there were certainly those blaming trump for it. cripes, i grabbed one all-caps tweet from roseanne barr of all people yelling: ‘this is obama’s fault, not trump’s’ (or close).

    i appreciate your sharing your explanation of not being a true radical, but i admit i lose sight of what one is. was it roast who’d mentioned boots riley? he’s one, as far as i’m concerned. but shoot, i was a very active dem for a few decades once upon a time; even attended a few state conventions. it was the global indigenous who taught me the evils of capitalism and neo-liberalism when i covered the g-20 sustainability conference in rio…in 2012. the indigenous were not allowed in, of course, so held glorious meetings on the side, and did their eventual accords rawk!

    • wendyedavis says:

      no soy yo, i got to thinking more about radicals, both the in-the-street ones like boots riley (occupy oakland), and those like our host whose credos *begin* w/ the need to dismantle capitalism. i include the tankies on twitter, although there are times when i fail to understand their collectively well-read allusions. black power advocates are often such, and even the non-santa claus resurrection of MLK was as well.

      a few writers at counterpunch, yes, a few at the trotskyites’ site, but lately they’ve been largely flipping out about…trump.

  19. wendyedavis says:

    @ tarzie by email i got a link to ‘Trump’s Fault or It Didn’t Happen’, clicking when to ‘page not found’, and it doesn’t seem to be available when one clicks into your site. guess it reflects my earlier comment. what doofuses, imagining the astrological effects of the sun sign cusps…before they arrive (a metaphor).

    on the other hand, and yes i’ve been following it since ‘the intercept’ and amy goodman:

    • Tarzie says:

      I deleted the blog post.

      • wendyedavis says:

        i’d thought it was possible that the wordpress gremlins had eaten it; it’s happened to me. it couldn’t have been down to ‘operator error’, now could it?

        i know most who comment here are vegans, these recipes aren’t that altogether, but i’ve been learning indian cuisine partially for the medicinal value of the spices. thai and middle eastern as well, but has a lot of good recipes. i made the red lentils w/ garlic, onion, and garam masala and one of their rice pilafs the other night, and they were yummy.

        my specialty is traditional mexican, though, likely a natural fit living in the southwest.

      • Tarzie says:

        Thanks Wendy. I love Indian food and make it too rarely.

      • wendyedavis says:

        i’d remembered your having said how much you like coriander, so i figured you made a lot of indian dishes. (i love cilantro, not so much coriander, save for curries, i guess.) you likely already know that the curcumin in turmeric is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer,
        anti-alz, some say allows new brain-cells to build (can’t say it’s helping mine, grin), etc., and cumin is a whole ‘nother powerhouse.

        a w/ many ground spices that contain volatile oils, curry powder is best when ‘bloomed’ in a dry skillet on low heat, poke it about until ya see whisps of smoke. it can take the raw edge off cumin for mexican, as well. the local natural food store owner has allowed me to tag on to his orders for wholesale plus 15%, so i buy tons of frontier spices in 1b. bags; ooof, does that save money. (i tithe food, started as an offset to obama’s terror tuesday assassinations, and he liked that notion.) he’s selling it soon, so i spent my current pitiful SS check and a bit more on a large order in case the new owner says, ‘sorry, no’.

        anyhoo, not to trip your link max, these other websites:
        thai.foodDOTcom has a recipe for fried tofu w/ spicy peanut dipping sauce. i facsimilated a recipe for thai peanut sauce after loving thai kitchens, and make thai peanut noodles w/ it.

        traditional mexican: rickbaylessDOTcom.

        dunno if you like tofu, but one of my fave ways to cook it is sesame-fried tofu. i squeeze the water out of a block of extra-firm tofu, slice it into 8 planks, then press them into a blend of about equal parts raw sesame seeds, large flake nutritional yeast, and corn starch, the fry them in toasted sesame oil. after i flip them over, i sprinkle the top sides w/ tamari.

        er…a good colonial-settlers’ day to you…

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